Welcome to URLSharing.com
354 urls shared 18975 times across 23 domains.
A super simple way to share the pages of your website. You can choose to share the page the user is on, the main domain of the site, or any other URL. Refer to the examples below.
Share the current domain. (https://www.urlsharing.com)
<script src="https://www.urlsharing.com/share.js?window.location.hostname"></script>
Share the current page. (https://www.urlsharing.com/index.php)
<script src="https://www.urlsharing.com/share.js?window.location.href"></script>
Share a specific URL. (https://www.google.co.uk)
<script src="https://www.urlsharing.com/share.js?[Enter full path URL here] "></script>
- Add mouse over effects.
- Respond to different page widths.
Release History
- v0.6 (Current) - Count now responds to different background colours.
- v0.5 - Mobile and desktop versions now show appropriate links.
- v0.4 - Click count shown.
- v0.3 - Click counter added.
- v0.2 - Icons and alignment to adjacent text has been updated.
- v0.1 - Initial release, first draft of the code.